This requires giving up your attachments and assumptions about what it means.
This requires showing up anyway and trusting your process.
Because ultimately there is something greater that you’re in service of that is flowing in, as and through you.
Not just your ideas and expectations for how your life “should” unfold, but a bigger, even more perfectly orchestrated plan coming from the divine mind of God.
But when you think your life needs to look a certain way in order for you to be joyful, peaceful and ecstatic, when you’re attached to the outcome and not present in the moment…
When you doubt your intuition + insight and only trust what’s right in front of you, you put up barriers that bock you from receiving what’s already yours.
Surrender is the continual turning over — turning over your attachments, your control, your fear, your limitations, your need to know, your desire to be in charge.
Because your brain — even with its expansive imagination and creativity — could never know everything that’s possible and available to you in the infinite, ever expanding, unlimited and endless mind of God that is always, always, always conspiring in your favor.
This is the gift of sacred surrender that you get to continually practice.
You can never get it wrong and it is never done. This practice deepens your faith, expands your trust and reminds you of who you are — the beloved of God, always provided for, protected and taken care of.
The more you trust and rely on this truth, instead of your trainings, the deeper the sacred union will go.
When you surrender, God sweeps you off your feet, the harmonies of your life are sweeter, the resonance in your relationships deeper, the communion with the divine — endless.
This is where mystics gather.
Goddess Frequency is the revolutionary mystery school + spiritual community for effortlessly embodying wealth, ease and freedom.