These feelings might shape + contort your access to endless possibility that you are at your essence because you have allowed it to be the lens through which you see and navigate the world.
Your feelings are real and deserve to be felt — not resisted, ignored, minimized and dissected. They are worthy of full experience.
Because when you welcome + feel the full range of your very human emotions, they move. They shift. They transform + evolve.
Your feelings are indicators of alignment + attention. They are a barometer of self-presence. They are worthy of being noticed, but they do NOT get to be in charge.
They are the result how you interpret your experiences, not the dictate or lay of the land. There is a greater divine order at hand.
When you let your feelings be in charge, you mute access to the unyielding flow of divine wisdom moving in, as and through you that holds a peace beyond all understanding. Peace that isn’t informed by appearances or circumstances.
This peace is rooted in faith and trust and something bigger that is always operating in your favor.
So, feel your feelings — full out.
Feel them in their truth + magnificence. Feel them from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet, in every atom and cell of your body.
Don’t let them determine your destiny. Don’t let them dictate your possibilities.
Surrender the scope of your life to the mind of God.
Release your restrictions and let God take over.
You can feel angry + be joy.
You can feel grief + be power.
You can feel longing + be love.
All my love,
This is where mystics gather.
Goddess Frequency is the revolutionary mystery school + spiritual community for effortlessly embodying wealth, ease and freedom.