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Akilah S. Richards on Unschooling as Liberatory, Spiritual Practice

Akilah S. Richards on Unschooling as Liberatory, Spiritual Practice

Since 2016, Akilah S. Richards has hosted Fare of the Free Child, a lifestyle and parenting podcast about the connection between liberation, learning, and parenting, particularly among BIPOC communities.

Parents, educators, unschoolers and entrepreneurs tune in weekly to connect about unschooling, deschooling, conscious parenting, and self-directedness.

Discussions center emotional wellness, learning and children, parenting, self-care, and self-love. The voice and work of this Jamaican-born, digital nomad have been featured on NPR, Forbes, NBC TV, Good Morning America’s blog, and in several literary and in-person spaces throughout the U.S., Jamaica, and South Africa.

During this conversation, Akilah shares her wisdom on:

  • What it means to raise free people + be free adults.
  • The indigenous, decolonized, legacy of unschooling.
  • Unschooling as a spiritual practice.
  • How unschooling helps children feel confident + capable their ENTIRE lives.
  • The differences between unschooling, home schooling and letting your children run WILD!

Connect with Akilah online:
Raising Free People — Raising Free People

@FareOftheFreeChild [Instagram]

If you loved this episode, send me a DM on Instagram at @blackgirlmystic with your favorite parts of the conversation because I’d love to hear from you!

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