Do You See Yourself?

You can rest here, inside yourself.

All of you is welcome.

Deep inhale. Exhale + let your shoulders drop.

You are safe here, inside yourself.
You are home, beloved.

You are everything right and good.

Take up all of your space. Rest well in your magnificence. There is nothing to prove, nowhere else to be.

You do and have and are enough.

You are perfect, whole + complete ever expanding good.
You are unlimited ecstasy.
You are the way the stars look back at themselves.

You are all love.

You are safe + welcome here inside yourself.

Make space + make home for your most precious parts — the ones that have been bumped, bruised, bullied.

All of you is welcome.

Tender + precious, wrap your emerging selves in swaddling clothes. Tell them they are safe.

Your perfection is not required.

You are love — unyielding, unlimited.
You are easy loving, sweetness + strength.
You are soul magic, sanctuary of self.

You belong here.

Take up all of your space.

Anchor into the infinite.

You are the center of the universe.

MIRROR WORK: Stand / sit in front of a mirror. Look yourself in the eyes.

Read the entirety of today’s message, replacing “you” with “I” and “me,” as appropriate. Gaze into your eyes and speak to yourself from the center of your soul.

Feel your resistance melt.

You are so worthy.


Goddess Frequency
We go further, faster, together.

This is where mystics gather. 

Goddess Frequency is the revolutionary mystery school + spiritual community for effortlessly embodying wealth, ease and freedom.