How to be a Soul-centered + God-facing Mystic

Complainers will always find something to complain about.
Worriers will always find something to worry about.
Stress mongers will always be stressed about something.
Fear mongers will always have something to be afraid of.

You don’t have to let their fear become your own.

It’s a misuse of your creative capacity to focus on results you don’t actually want to manifest.

You are a master manifestor — the arms, eyes, ears, mouth and body of the divine.

When you align your mind to the mind of God, you become an unstoppable, soul-fueled force.

But when you align your thoughts to those of the complainers, worriers, stress mongers and fear mongers in your world, in the name of “empathy,” you abandon yourself to align with their worldview.

Your job is to see with the eye beyond the eye, hear with the ear beyond the ear, know with the mind BEYOND the small, fear-mongering mind.

It is from THAT place that you stand in alignment with the eternal, all-knowing, infinite mind of God that is not created or distracted by circumstance.

Being aligned with the mind of God means knowing that all is well, unfolding in divine order, on time and for a reason — even + especially when others don’t see it.

It’s not denying their reality, but it’s not meeting them there either.

People who enjoy wallowing will not enjoy that you haven’t left your post.
Those who love complaining will be mad that you aren’t complaining with them.
Folks who want to be the victim and you the rescuer will resent that you’ve left them up to their own devices.

Your job is to hold your post, standing in the knowing that despite external circumstances and appearances, all is still well. There is STILL  divine order to it all that passes human understanding.

Instead of trying to make sense of life and fit in into limited human boxes of good / bad and right / wrong, be a stand for — all is well — and take soul-aligned action to BE a beneficial soul-aligned presence on the planet.

BE the presence of love in a storm.
BE the presence of joy in chaos.
BE the presence of beauty in dischord.
BE the presence of peace in peril.

BE an unblocked and open vessel for Source to flow through you unencumbered.

BE anchored in light, truth, love power. Don’t move rom your soul-centered, God-facing post in order to agree with folk’s limited, fear-based understanding of the world.

THIS is what a mystic does.

It doesn’t need the world to agree with it. It doesn’t need tricks or trinkets to know the truth.

A mystic is a soul-centered, God-facing, unyielding, unadulterated reminder of divine truth.

A mystic doesn’t need external approval or agreements in order to be a stand of what’s true.

Turn your attention to source-beyond-source who sees you, knows you, loves you, celebrates + supports you — who honors your UNCONDITIONALLY.

There is nothing to prove.
You were born worthy.

You don’t have to lower your vibration to meet people in their limited interpretation of the world in order to love them.

You can love, see, celebrate, affirm and honor them from exactly where you are — soul-centered + God-facing.

THIS is the path of the mystic.

A mystic knows what is true BEYOND appearances because it sees life through the eternal eyes of God, not the limited lens of human interpretation. This requires giving up the ego-identity’ need to be right and have all of the answers in order to make sense of the world based on its own understanding.

This requires surrendering into, being held by and completely collapsing the depths of your soul-source and staying rooted in that place.


Goddess Frequency
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This is where mystics gather. 

Goddess Frequency is the revolutionary mystery school + spiritual community for effortlessly embodying wealth, ease and freedom.